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  • Writer's pictureJeri Houston VA

Benefits of hiring a virtual assistant

So There are quite a few benefits to hiring a virtual assistant and here are a few reasons as to why ...

You can fill skill gaps:

As a business owner, there will be aspects of your business that you won't have the time to learn or do effectively. Hiring a virtual assistant that specialises in a particular field will come in helpful to work in that area of your business or advise depending on the level of help needed. Ultimately this will allow you to confidently hand work over to a professional that is skilled, qualified, and can hit the ground running.

Maintaining entrepreneurial sanity:

Would I be correct in saying that every business owner has tasks they do not like doing or at least find tedious? Those tasks end up piling up, which can then result in overwhelm. On the opposite spectrum, you can be doing EVERYTHING, juggling work and home life, and working long hours, which ultimately can lead to burnout.

Remember, to achieve entrepreneurial success, ones mindset is an important factor!

With the right virtual assistant, you confidently delegate tasks and share the load.


Yes! By hiring a suitable virtual assistant, you would be saving costs on the following:

▪️ Development and training

▪️ Employer national insurance

▪️ Sickness and or holiday pay

▪️ Fixed salary

▪️ Office space

You can hire a virtual assistant to help you depending on the need of your business, so this could range from part-time at a few hours a week to more of a full-time position.

Gaining valuable time back:

Your life isn't running your business!! By hiring a #virtualassistant to manage or oversee certain aspects of your business, (this could even include small personal errands), you can give yourself that much-needed time back! If you would like to know how I can help you and your business, just send me a message.

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